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International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration / William Laurence CRAIG
Titre : International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : William Laurence CRAIG, Auteur ; William W. PARK, Auteur ; Jan PAULSSON, Auteur Mention d'édition : 3ème édition Editeur : Oceana Publications Année de publication : 2000 Autre Editeur : ICC Publishing Importance : 970 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-379-21392-8 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit du commerce, droit du commerce international
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : CCI ICC arbitration arbitrage institution frais organizational framework convention d'arbitrage clause compromissoire agreement to arbitrate pratique juridiction arbitrale arbitral jurisdiction tribunal arbitral constitution siège de l'arbitrage place of arbitration arbitre amiable composition procédure preuve droit national arbitrage commercial international Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration is a hands-on guide providing a critical evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages at every step in the arbitral process including practical facts, figures, pragmatic suggestions and warnings. The book is essential to anyone who is involved in ICC arbitration, or who may have to consider the use of an ICC arbitration clause. Published in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce, this text covers every aspect of ICC arbitration. The authors, seasoned experts, provide a detailed description of the arbitral process from the formation of the agreement to arbitrate to the appeal of the enforcement, covering in detail the important rulings of the ICC and their potential impact on future awards. Appendices include a table of cases, table of arbitral awards, table of authorities, table of articles on the 1998 ICC Arbitration Rules, and a comprehensive index. International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration [texte imprimé] / William Laurence CRAIG, Auteur ; William W. PARK, Auteur ; Jan PAULSSON, Auteur . - 3ème édition . - Oceana Publications : ICC Publishing, 2000 . - 970 pages ; Relié.
ISBN : 978-0-379-21392-8
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit du commerce, droit du commerce international
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : CCI ICC arbitration arbitrage institution frais organizational framework convention d'arbitrage clause compromissoire agreement to arbitrate pratique juridiction arbitrale arbitral jurisdiction tribunal arbitral constitution siège de l'arbitrage place of arbitration arbitre amiable composition procédure preuve droit national arbitrage commercial international Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration is a hands-on guide providing a critical evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages at every step in the arbitral process including practical facts, figures, pragmatic suggestions and warnings. The book is essential to anyone who is involved in ICC arbitration, or who may have to consider the use of an ICC arbitration clause. Published in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce, this text covers every aspect of ICC arbitration. The authors, seasoned experts, provide a detailed description of the arbitral process from the formation of the agreement to arbitrate to the appeal of the enforcement, covering in detail the important rulings of the ICC and their potential impact on future awards. Appendices include a table of cases, table of arbitral awards, table of authorities, table of articles on the 1998 ICC Arbitration Rules, and a comprehensive index. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0890 XVIII 2000 CRA 1 Livre CREDIMI 301 XVIII - CCI (incoterms, sentence ICC, revue de la CCI…) Disponible 0891 XVIII 2000 CRA 2 Livre CREDIMI 301 XVIII - CCI (incoterms, sentence ICC, revue de la CCI…) Disponible Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration / Nigel BLACKABY
Titre : Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Nigel BLACKABY, Auteur ; Constantine PARTASIDES, Auteur ; Alan REDFERN, Auteur ; Martin HUNTER, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2015 Importance : 944 pages Format : Broché ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-871424-8 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit des investissements, arbitrage d'investissement
Droit du commerce, droit du commerce international
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : international arbitration arbitrage international agreement to arbitrate applicable laws arbitral tribunal establishment organisation powers duties jurisdiction proceedings national courts investment treaties awards recognition enforcement Index. décimale : 341.522 : Arbitrage international Résumé :
This leading commentary on international commercial arbitration, now in its sixth edition, is an essential guide for arbitrators, lawyers, and students. Based on the authors' extensive experience as counsel and arbitrators, it provides an updated explanation of all elements of the law and practice of arbitration. This text provides an authoritative guide to the international arbitral process, from the drafting of the arbitration agreement to the enforcement of arbitral awards. The sixth edition has been updated to incorporate reference to the latest significant developments in the field such as the new LCIA, ICC and UNCITRAL Rules and new IBA Guidelines. There will also be an increased reference to international arbitral authority and practice from beyond Europe (China, India, and the US). Following the chronology of an arbitration, the book covers applicable laws, arbitration agreements, the establishment and powers of a tribunal, the conduct of proceedings and the role of domestic courts. In addition, it provides an in-depth examination of the award itself, and comments on the special considerations applying to arbitrations brought under investment treaties. It draws on examples of the rules and practice of arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce, the London Court of International Arbitration, the American Arbitration Association, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law.
Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration [texte imprimé] / Nigel BLACKABY, Auteur ; Constantine PARTASIDES, Auteur ; Alan REDFERN, Auteur ; Martin HUNTER, Auteur . - Oxford University Press, 2015 . - 944 pages ; Broché.
ISBN : 978-0-19-871424-8
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit des investissements, arbitrage d'investissement
Droit du commerce, droit du commerce international
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : international arbitration arbitrage international agreement to arbitrate applicable laws arbitral tribunal establishment organisation powers duties jurisdiction proceedings national courts investment treaties awards recognition enforcement Index. décimale : 341.522 : Arbitrage international Résumé :
This leading commentary on international commercial arbitration, now in its sixth edition, is an essential guide for arbitrators, lawyers, and students. Based on the authors' extensive experience as counsel and arbitrators, it provides an updated explanation of all elements of the law and practice of arbitration. This text provides an authoritative guide to the international arbitral process, from the drafting of the arbitration agreement to the enforcement of arbitral awards. The sixth edition has been updated to incorporate reference to the latest significant developments in the field such as the new LCIA, ICC and UNCITRAL Rules and new IBA Guidelines. There will also be an increased reference to international arbitral authority and practice from beyond Europe (China, India, and the US). Following the chronology of an arbitration, the book covers applicable laws, arbitration agreements, the establishment and powers of a tribunal, the conduct of proceedings and the role of domestic courts. In addition, it provides an in-depth examination of the award itself, and comments on the special considerations applying to arbitrations brought under investment treaties. It draws on examples of the rules and practice of arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce, the London Court of International Arbitration, the American Arbitration Association, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law.
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0999 XVII 2015 BLA Livre CREDIMI 301 XVII - Règlement des différends (arbitrage commercial, ouvrages généraux, MARD) Disponible International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration / William Laurence CRAIG
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0892 XVIII 1990 CRA Livre CREDIMI 301 XVIII - CCI (incoterms, sentence ICC, revue de la CCI…) Disponible International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration / William Laurence CRAIG
Titre : International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : William Laurence CRAIG, Auteur ; William W. PARK, Auteur ; Jan PAULSSON, Auteur Editeur : Oceana Publications Année de publication : 1985 Autre Editeur : ICC Publishing Importance : Pagination multiple Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-379-10161-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : CCI
Droit du commerce, droit du commerce international
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : ICC arbitration institution agreement to arbitrate ICC arbitration hearings proof ancillary proceedings national laws arbitral authority Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration [texte imprimé] / William Laurence CRAIG, Auteur ; William W. PARK, Auteur ; Jan PAULSSON, Auteur . - Oceana Publications : ICC Publishing, 1985 . - Pagination multiple ; Relié.
ISBN : 978-0-379-10161-4
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : CCI
Droit du commerce, droit du commerce international
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : ICC arbitration institution agreement to arbitrate ICC arbitration hearings proof ancillary proceedings national laws arbitral authority Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1169 XVII 1985 CRA 1 Livre CREDIMI 301 XVII - Règlement des différends (arbitrage commercial, ouvrages généraux, MARD) Disponible