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Brussels II bis regulation / Ulrich MAGNUS
Titre : Brussels II bis regulation Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ulrich MAGNUS, Auteur ; Peter MANKOWSKI, Auteur Année de publication : 2012 Importance : 506 pages ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-935808-33-0 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit européen
Droit international Privé
Sources du droit et ouvrages généraux en droitMots-clés : Bruxelles II BIS commentaire droit privé divorce responsabilité parentale Résumé : This new series will comment on the Brussels I Regulation and the Brussels IIbis Regulation and as soon as they are enacted on the Rome I and the Rome II Regulation. For the first time this will be done by a team of leading experts from almost all EU member states. The close cooperation among them will initiate a new specific European style of commenting on European enactments merging the various and thus far nationwide differing methods of Interpretation of legislative acts. It goes without saying that the new commentaries will pay particular tribute to the practice of the European Court of Justice but to relevant judgments of national courts as well. Moreover, the needs of practitioners and the requirements of the practice will receive particular attention. The series is intended to be continued by further volumes on existing and future European enactments in the field of private and procedural law. Note de contenu : Procédure (droit européen)
Juridiction : Pays de l'Union européenne
Jugements étrangers (droit européen)
Civil procedure : European Union countriesBrussels II bis regulation [texte imprimé] / Ulrich MAGNUS, Auteur ; Peter MANKOWSKI, Auteur . - 2012 . - 506 pages.
ISBN : 978-3-935808-33-0
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit européen
Droit international Privé
Sources du droit et ouvrages généraux en droitMots-clés : Bruxelles II BIS commentaire droit privé divorce responsabilité parentale Résumé : This new series will comment on the Brussels I Regulation and the Brussels IIbis Regulation and as soon as they are enacted on the Rome I and the Rome II Regulation. For the first time this will be done by a team of leading experts from almost all EU member states. The close cooperation among them will initiate a new specific European style of commenting on European enactments merging the various and thus far nationwide differing methods of Interpretation of legislative acts. It goes without saying that the new commentaries will pay particular tribute to the practice of the European Court of Justice but to relevant judgments of national courts as well. Moreover, the needs of practitioners and the requirements of the practice will receive particular attention. The series is intended to be continued by further volumes on existing and future European enactments in the field of private and procedural law. Note de contenu : Procédure (droit européen)
Juridiction : Pays de l'Union européenne
Jugements étrangers (droit européen)
Civil procedure : European Union countriesRéservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0028 III 2012 MAG Livre CREDIMI 301 III - Droit international privé (national, européen et comparé) Disponible Boundaries of european private international law / Jean-Sylvestre BERGÉ
Titre : Boundaries of european private international law Titre original : Les frontières du droit international privé européen, Las fronteras del derecho internacional privado europeo Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Jean-Sylvestre BERGÉ , Auteur ; Stéphanie FRANCQ, Auteur ; Miguel GARDEÑES SANTIAGO , Auteur Editeur : Bruylant Année de publication : 2015 Importance : 720 pages Format : Broché ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-8027-4697-3 Langues : Français (fre) Anglais (eng) Espagnol (spa) Catégories : Droit économique, droit du marché
Droit européen
Droit international PrivéMots-clés : mediation agreement compétence judiciaire reconnaissance des décisions obligations contractuelles Bruxelles II bis lis pendens Bruxelles I bis clauses d'articulation neutrality conflit de lois Index. décimale : 340.9 : Droit international privé (conflits de droit, conflits de lois, ensemble des règles régissant le choix ...) Résumé : European private international law is by now based mainly on a large body of uniform rules such as the Regulations Rome I, Rome II, Brussels I, Brussels I bis. This significant legislative output, however, does not take place in a vacuum. Rules of private international law have been earlier (and still are) adopted at national, international and even European level in scattered regulations and directives. The recent plethora of private international law rules gives rise to issues of delineation and calls for some sort of ordering as gaps, overlaps and contradictions become flagrant. At the same time, the resulting interactions can offer new insight, ideas and even opportunities at a more theoretical level.
This book gathers a collection of essays resulting out of a series of international seminars held in Lyon, Barcelona and Louvain-la-Neuve. During those seminars, young researchers selected in an open call for papers had the opportunity to discuss their views among themselves as well as with various specialists of the field, such as more senior academics, EU civil servants, national experts and representatives of other international organisations. The book offers the fresh views of those who will in the future shape the dialectic between the various sources of private international law and attempts to launch a discussion on the “living together” of legal sources.
Two ranges of topics are addressed in the book:
- firstly, the relationship between EU private international law and national law (substantial and procedural) and/or international law (international instruments of private international law or of uniform substantive law); and
- secondly, the relationship between EU private international law and other aspects of EU law (internal market rules of primary law, harmonisation through secondary law and other pieces of legislation enacted in the realm of the area of freedom, security and justice).
Note de contenu : Droit international privé (droit européen) : Actes de congrès
Droit international et droit interne : Pays de l'Union européenne : Actes de congrès
Publ. dans le cadre du programme européen de recherche "Jean Monnet Lifelong learning-projet", supervisé par le Centre de recherche sur le droit international privé et le Réseau universitaire européen Droit et espace de liberté sécurité et justice. Issu de deux colloques tenus respectivement à Barcelone les 27 et 28 mars 2014 et à Louvain-la-Neuve, les 5 et 6 juin 2014.
Résumés en anglais, espagnol et français.
Diffusé en France.
Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Les frontières du droit international privé européen.
Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Las fronteras del derecho internacional privado europeoBoundaries of european private international law = Les frontières du droit international privé européen, Las fronteras del derecho internacional privado europeo [texte imprimé] / Jean-Sylvestre BERGÉ , Auteur ; Stéphanie FRANCQ, Auteur ; Miguel GARDEÑES SANTIAGO , Auteur . - Bruylant, 2015 . - 720 pages ; Broché.
ISBN : 978-2-8027-4697-3
Langues : Français (fre) Anglais (eng) Espagnol (spa)
Catégories : Droit économique, droit du marché
Droit européen
Droit international PrivéMots-clés : mediation agreement compétence judiciaire reconnaissance des décisions obligations contractuelles Bruxelles II bis lis pendens Bruxelles I bis clauses d'articulation neutrality conflit de lois Index. décimale : 340.9 : Droit international privé (conflits de droit, conflits de lois, ensemble des règles régissant le choix ...) Résumé : European private international law is by now based mainly on a large body of uniform rules such as the Regulations Rome I, Rome II, Brussels I, Brussels I bis. This significant legislative output, however, does not take place in a vacuum. Rules of private international law have been earlier (and still are) adopted at national, international and even European level in scattered regulations and directives. The recent plethora of private international law rules gives rise to issues of delineation and calls for some sort of ordering as gaps, overlaps and contradictions become flagrant. At the same time, the resulting interactions can offer new insight, ideas and even opportunities at a more theoretical level.
This book gathers a collection of essays resulting out of a series of international seminars held in Lyon, Barcelona and Louvain-la-Neuve. During those seminars, young researchers selected in an open call for papers had the opportunity to discuss their views among themselves as well as with various specialists of the field, such as more senior academics, EU civil servants, national experts and representatives of other international organisations. The book offers the fresh views of those who will in the future shape the dialectic between the various sources of private international law and attempts to launch a discussion on the “living together” of legal sources.
Two ranges of topics are addressed in the book:
- firstly, the relationship between EU private international law and national law (substantial and procedural) and/or international law (international instruments of private international law or of uniform substantive law); and
- secondly, the relationship between EU private international law and other aspects of EU law (internal market rules of primary law, harmonisation through secondary law and other pieces of legislation enacted in the realm of the area of freedom, security and justice).
Note de contenu : Droit international privé (droit européen) : Actes de congrès
Droit international et droit interne : Pays de l'Union européenne : Actes de congrès
Publ. dans le cadre du programme européen de recherche "Jean Monnet Lifelong learning-projet", supervisé par le Centre de recherche sur le droit international privé et le Réseau universitaire européen Droit et espace de liberté sécurité et justice. Issu de deux colloques tenus respectivement à Barcelone les 27 et 28 mars 2014 et à Louvain-la-Neuve, les 5 et 6 juin 2014.
Résumés en anglais, espagnol et français.
Diffusé en France.
Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Les frontières du droit international privé européen.
Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Las fronteras del derecho internacional privado europeoRéservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0029 III 2015 BER Livre CREDIMI 301 III - Droit international privé (national, européen et comparé) Disponible