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Gestion et partage des risques dans les projets spatiaux / Laurence RAVILLON
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 2877 XXI 2008 RAV Livre CREDIMI 301 XXI - Espace et droit des activités spatiales Disponible Orbital Debris Prevention and Mitigation Efforts among Major Space Actors / Marc CARNS
Titre : Orbital Debris Prevention and Mitigation Efforts among Major Space Actors : Commonalities and the Search for Customary International Law Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Marc CARNS, Auteur Editeur : Brill Nijhoff Année de publication : 2023 Collection : Studies in Space Law num. 20 Importance : 342 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-90-04-53584-8 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Espace et droit des activités spatiales
Sources du droit et ouvrages généraux en droitMots-clés : espace droit de l'espace space activities space space law débris orbitaux débris spatiaux risque spatial déchets coutume Résumé : In the absence of formal treaty law, orbital debris has grown exponentially in our most valuable orbital regions. To address this problem, many major spacefaring programs have implemented independent laws and policies meant to mitigate the release and overall threat of debris. However, these individual efforts have not translated into a cohesive international set of regulations to address the growing debris problem. Fortunately, there may exist unappreciated similarities among major international programs, either in whole or part, that once identified could lay the groundwork for the recognition of customary international law. This book reviews a number of major programs in depth and seeks to answer if any commonality among them has likely established customary international law. Orbital Debris Prevention and Mitigation Efforts among Major Space Actors : Commonalities and the Search for Customary International Law [texte imprimé] / Marc CARNS, Auteur . - Brill Nijhoff, 2023 . - 342 pages ; Relié. - (Studies in Space Law; 20) .
ISBN : 978-90-04-53584-8
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Espace et droit des activités spatiales
Sources du droit et ouvrages généraux en droitMots-clés : espace droit de l'espace space activities space space law débris orbitaux débris spatiaux risque spatial déchets coutume Résumé : In the absence of formal treaty law, orbital debris has grown exponentially in our most valuable orbital regions. To address this problem, many major spacefaring programs have implemented independent laws and policies meant to mitigate the release and overall threat of debris. However, these individual efforts have not translated into a cohesive international set of regulations to address the growing debris problem. Fortunately, there may exist unappreciated similarities among major international programs, either in whole or part, that once identified could lay the groundwork for the recognition of customary international law. This book reviews a number of major programs in depth and seeks to answer if any commonality among them has likely established customary international law. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 3037 XXI 2023 CAR Livre CREDIMI 301 XXI - Espace et droit des activités spatiales Disponible