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EU Law and International Investment Arbitration / Emmanuel GAILLARD
Titre : EU Law and International Investment Arbitration Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Emmanuel GAILLARD, Auteur ; Hélène RUIZ FABRI, Auteur Editeur : JurisNet LLC Année de publication : 2018 Collection : IAI series on international arbitration num. 11 Importance : 717 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-944825-29-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit des investissements, arbitrage d'investissement
Droit économique, droit du marché
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : droit des investissements droit de l'union européenne arbitrage d'investissement arbitrage international international arbitration investment arbitration Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : This book is based on the Roundtable organized by the International Arbitration Institute (IAI) and the Max Planck Institute (MPI) Luxembourg for Procedural Law in April 2018. It was the first gathering of members of the European Court of Justice, judges of the International Court of Justice, EU Member State judges, distinguished arbitrators, representatives of arbitral institutions and academics convened at the aftermath of the recent Achmea ruling of the European Court of Justice. Part I focuses on the existence of systemic conflicts and incompatibilities between international investment law and EU law. After providing an overview of various investment agreements, the author examines a variety of issues that may arise from the overlap of EU law and international investment law and arbitration. Part II deals with the issue of recourse to international arbitration as a means of settlement of disputes to which EU law may be applicable, in particular, four key issues that characterize the relationship of EU law with international investment arbitration in light of the recent ECJ judgment in Achmea. Part III is a comparison of the substantive standards of investment protection under EU law and international investment law. The volume also includes the proceedings of the animated debates that followed each session of the Roundtable. It is essential reading for all those (judges, arbitrators, lawyers and academics) confronted with the issues arising from the relationship between EU law and international investment law and arbitration. -- EU Law and International Investment Arbitration [texte imprimé] / Emmanuel GAILLARD, Auteur ; Hélène RUIZ FABRI, Auteur . - JurisNet LLC, 2018 . - 717 pages ; Relié. - (IAI series on international arbitration; 11) .
ISBN : 978-1-944825-29-4
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit des investissements, arbitrage d'investissement
Droit économique, droit du marché
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : droit des investissements droit de l'union européenne arbitrage d'investissement arbitrage international international arbitration investment arbitration Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : This book is based on the Roundtable organized by the International Arbitration Institute (IAI) and the Max Planck Institute (MPI) Luxembourg for Procedural Law in April 2018. It was the first gathering of members of the European Court of Justice, judges of the International Court of Justice, EU Member State judges, distinguished arbitrators, representatives of arbitral institutions and academics convened at the aftermath of the recent Achmea ruling of the European Court of Justice. Part I focuses on the existence of systemic conflicts and incompatibilities between international investment law and EU law. After providing an overview of various investment agreements, the author examines a variety of issues that may arise from the overlap of EU law and international investment law and arbitration. Part II deals with the issue of recourse to international arbitration as a means of settlement of disputes to which EU law may be applicable, in particular, four key issues that characterize the relationship of EU law with international investment arbitration in light of the recent ECJ judgment in Achmea. Part III is a comparison of the substantive standards of investment protection under EU law and international investment law. The volume also includes the proceedings of the animated debates that followed each session of the Roundtable. It is essential reading for all those (judges, arbitrators, lawyers and academics) confronted with the issues arising from the relationship between EU law and international investment law and arbitration. -- Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0617 XIII 2018 GAI Livre CREDIMI 301 XIII - Droit des investissements, arbitrage d'investissement, contrats d'Etat Disponible Access to Justice in Arbitration / Leonardo V.P. de OLIVEIRA
Titre : Access to Justice in Arbitration Titre original : Access to Justice in Arbitration Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Leonardo V.P. de OLIVEIRA, Auteur ; Sara HOURANI, Auteur Editeur : KLUWER LAW INTERNATIONAL Année de publication : 2020 Importance : 368 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-94-035-0691-3 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Règlement des différends Mots-clés : arbitration arbitrage accès à la justice access to justice voluntary arbitration fairness independance accessibility courts tribunals investment arbitration specific disputes labour and employment arbitration sports arbitration unilaterally binding arbitration online dispute resolution blockchain-based arbitration WIPO SIAC ICSID Index. décimale : 347.09 : Règlement de conflits (droit) Résumé : The exponential growth of arbitration beyond commercial and investment matters, reaching disputes that have traditionally been decided by courts - such as labour and employment, sports, and competition disputes, and those involving human rights violations - raises questions about the impact of this expansion on access to justice. This collection of essays by arbitral practitioners, academics, and arbitral institution officials presents, for the first time, an in-depth analysis of the role access to justice plays in arbitration. Overall, the book assesses how access to justice can be guaranteed in arbitration and, in particular, shows how access to justice works in various types of arbitration.
The book and its contributions will be of immeasurable value in determining the practical application of such concerns as the following:
when issues of access to justice can be raised in arbitral disputes and when violations of access to justice can be challenged;
ramifications of arbitration clauses in contracts;
ensuring fairness and efficiency arising from technological innovations applied to arbitration;
legal framework applicable to online dispute resolution and blockchain-based arbitration, especially with regard to recognition and enforcement; and
access to justice in arbitrations involving sexual harassment.
The book concludes with three chapters on access to justice under the rules of arbitral institutions as revealed by studies of the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
Arbitration provides a final binding decision that can be challenged on very limited grounds; thus, with arbitration settling disputes that were originally a prerogative of the judiciary, securing fairness in such procedures is paramount to the survival of arbitration. For this reason, arbitration practitioners, institutions, and academics will appreciate this deeply-informed analysis and commentary on a crucial aspect of a highly significant and rapidly evolving area of practice.Access to Justice in Arbitration = Access to Justice in Arbitration [texte imprimé] / Leonardo V.P. de OLIVEIRA, Auteur ; Sara HOURANI, Auteur . - KLUWER LAW INTERNATIONAL, 2020 . - 368 pages ; Relié.
ISBN : 978-94-035-0691-3
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Règlement des différends Mots-clés : arbitration arbitrage accès à la justice access to justice voluntary arbitration fairness independance accessibility courts tribunals investment arbitration specific disputes labour and employment arbitration sports arbitration unilaterally binding arbitration online dispute resolution blockchain-based arbitration WIPO SIAC ICSID Index. décimale : 347.09 : Règlement de conflits (droit) Résumé : The exponential growth of arbitration beyond commercial and investment matters, reaching disputes that have traditionally been decided by courts - such as labour and employment, sports, and competition disputes, and those involving human rights violations - raises questions about the impact of this expansion on access to justice. This collection of essays by arbitral practitioners, academics, and arbitral institution officials presents, for the first time, an in-depth analysis of the role access to justice plays in arbitration. Overall, the book assesses how access to justice can be guaranteed in arbitration and, in particular, shows how access to justice works in various types of arbitration.
The book and its contributions will be of immeasurable value in determining the practical application of such concerns as the following:
when issues of access to justice can be raised in arbitral disputes and when violations of access to justice can be challenged;
ramifications of arbitration clauses in contracts;
ensuring fairness and efficiency arising from technological innovations applied to arbitration;
legal framework applicable to online dispute resolution and blockchain-based arbitration, especially with regard to recognition and enforcement; and
access to justice in arbitrations involving sexual harassment.
The book concludes with three chapters on access to justice under the rules of arbitral institutions as revealed by studies of the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
Arbitration provides a final binding decision that can be challenged on very limited grounds; thus, with arbitration settling disputes that were originally a prerogative of the judiciary, securing fairness in such procedures is paramount to the survival of arbitration. For this reason, arbitration practitioners, institutions, and academics will appreciate this deeply-informed analysis and commentary on a crucial aspect of a highly significant and rapidly evolving area of practice.Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0995 XVII 2020 OLI Livre CREDIMI 301 XVII - Règlement des différends (arbitrage commercial, ouvrages généraux, MARD) Disponible Liber amicorum en l'honneur de William Laurence Craig / Michael REISMAN
Titre : Liber amicorum en l'honneur de William Laurence Craig Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Michael REISMAN, Auteur Editeur : LexisNexis Année de publication : 2016 Importance : 402 pages Format : Broché ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-7110-2506-0 Langues : Français (fre) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Mélanges
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : mélanges arbitrage international international arbitration arbitrage d'investissement investment arbitration Index. décimale : 341.522 : Arbitrage international Résumé : William Laurence Craig, "Laurie" pour tous ceux qui le connaissent, est l'un des "pères fondateurs" de l'arbitrage international. Son extraordinaire carrière est reconnue par l'ensemble de ses pairs, de même que son apport à la doctrine de l'arbitrage international, qu'illustrent parfaitement ses ouvrages de référence relatifs à l'arbitrage CCI.
Pendant plus de cinquante ans, Laurie a pratiqué l'arbitrage international et a contribué à son succès à de multiples titres. Ses réalisations ont ouvert la voie à de nombreux acteurs de l'arbitrage, dont il a pu être un associé estimé, un collègue, un mentor ou encore un ami. Il a influencé, et continue d'influencer, plusieurs générations d'universitaires et de praticiens, par sa remarquable connaissance du droit ainsi que par son inépuisable énergie, son enthousiasme et son dévouement en tant que conseil, arbitre et universitaire.
C'est pourquoi ses amis ont souhaité lui rendre hommage en lui consacrant ce Liber Amicorum.
William Laurence Craig, "Laurie" to all who know him, hat been dubbed a "founding father" of international arbitration. His truly extraordinary career to date is acknowledged by all those who know him or of him.
So is his academic contribution to the arbitration community, of which his worldwide reference treatises in respect of ICC Arbitration represent the best illustration.
Over a period of more than fifty years, Laurie has practised international arbitration and contributed in innumerable ways to its success. Laurie's achievements as a true pioneer have paved the way for many of the current major players of the field to whom he has been a very esteemed partner, colleague, mentor and friend. He has indeed inspired and continues to inspire many generations of academics and practitioners through his outstanding legal mind, combined with his unfailing energy, enthusiasm and dedication as counsel, as arbitrator and as academic.
This is why a number of his friends have wished to pay tribute by dedicating to him this Liber Amicorum.
William Laurence Craig pratique le droit commercial international à Paris depuis 1964, et est spécialisé dans l'arbitrage international depuis 1970. Il a agi en qualité de conseil concernant plus de 150 arbitrages, et en tant qu'arbitre à plus de 25 reprises devant la Chambre de Commerce Internationale. Cet ouvrage rassemble plus de vingt articles en droit international et en droit de l'arbitrage international rédigés spécialement pour cette publication par les amis, disciples ou confrères de Laurie Craig.Liber amicorum en l'honneur de William Laurence Craig [texte imprimé] / Michael REISMAN, Auteur . - LexisNexis, 2016 . - 402 pages ; Broché.
ISBN : 978-2-7110-2506-0
Langues : Français (fre) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Mélanges
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : mélanges arbitrage international international arbitration arbitrage d'investissement investment arbitration Index. décimale : 341.522 : Arbitrage international Résumé : William Laurence Craig, "Laurie" pour tous ceux qui le connaissent, est l'un des "pères fondateurs" de l'arbitrage international. Son extraordinaire carrière est reconnue par l'ensemble de ses pairs, de même que son apport à la doctrine de l'arbitrage international, qu'illustrent parfaitement ses ouvrages de référence relatifs à l'arbitrage CCI.
Pendant plus de cinquante ans, Laurie a pratiqué l'arbitrage international et a contribué à son succès à de multiples titres. Ses réalisations ont ouvert la voie à de nombreux acteurs de l'arbitrage, dont il a pu être un associé estimé, un collègue, un mentor ou encore un ami. Il a influencé, et continue d'influencer, plusieurs générations d'universitaires et de praticiens, par sa remarquable connaissance du droit ainsi que par son inépuisable énergie, son enthousiasme et son dévouement en tant que conseil, arbitre et universitaire.
C'est pourquoi ses amis ont souhaité lui rendre hommage en lui consacrant ce Liber Amicorum.
William Laurence Craig, "Laurie" to all who know him, hat been dubbed a "founding father" of international arbitration. His truly extraordinary career to date is acknowledged by all those who know him or of him.
So is his academic contribution to the arbitration community, of which his worldwide reference treatises in respect of ICC Arbitration represent the best illustration.
Over a period of more than fifty years, Laurie has practised international arbitration and contributed in innumerable ways to its success. Laurie's achievements as a true pioneer have paved the way for many of the current major players of the field to whom he has been a very esteemed partner, colleague, mentor and friend. He has indeed inspired and continues to inspire many generations of academics and practitioners through his outstanding legal mind, combined with his unfailing energy, enthusiasm and dedication as counsel, as arbitrator and as academic.
This is why a number of his friends have wished to pay tribute by dedicating to him this Liber Amicorum.
William Laurence Craig pratique le droit commercial international à Paris depuis 1964, et est spécialisé dans l'arbitrage international depuis 1970. Il a agi en qualité de conseil concernant plus de 150 arbitrages, et en tant qu'arbitre à plus de 25 reprises devant la Chambre de Commerce Internationale. Cet ouvrage rassemble plus de vingt articles en droit international et en droit de l'arbitrage international rédigés spécialement pour cette publication par les amis, disciples ou confrères de Laurie Craig.Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0466 M 2016 REI Livre CREDIMI 301 M - Mélanges Disponible