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Legal pluralism in European contract law / Vanessa MAK
Titre : Legal pluralism in European contract law Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Vanessa MAK, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2020 Collection : Oxford studies in European law Importance : 288 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-885448-7 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit commun des contrats
Droit économique, droit du marché
Droit international PrivéMots-clés : pluralisme légal droit privé transnational droit privé européen Résumé : The relevance of contracting and self-regulation in consumer markets has increased rapidly in recent years, in particular in the platform economy. Online platforms provide opportunities for businesses and consumers to connect with strangers, often across borders, trading products, and services. In this new economy, platform operators create, apply and enforce their own rules in their contractual relationships with users. This book examines the substance of these rules and the space for private governance beyond the reach of state regulation. Vanessa Mak explores recent developments in lawmaking 'beyond the state' with case studies focusing on companies such as Airbnb and Amazon. The book asks how common values and objectives of EU law, such as consumer protection and contractual fairness, can be safeguarded when lawmaking shifts to a space outside the reach of state law. Legal pluralism in European contract law [texte imprimé] / Vanessa MAK, Auteur . - Oxford University Press, 2020 . - 288 pages ; Relié. - (Oxford studies in European law) .
ISBN : 978-0-19-885448-7
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit commun des contrats
Droit économique, droit du marché
Droit international PrivéMots-clés : pluralisme légal droit privé transnational droit privé européen Résumé : The relevance of contracting and self-regulation in consumer markets has increased rapidly in recent years, in particular in the platform economy. Online platforms provide opportunities for businesses and consumers to connect with strangers, often across borders, trading products, and services. In this new economy, platform operators create, apply and enforce their own rules in their contractual relationships with users. This book examines the substance of these rules and the space for private governance beyond the reach of state regulation. Vanessa Mak explores recent developments in lawmaking 'beyond the state' with case studies focusing on companies such as Airbnb and Amazon. The book asks how common values and objectives of EU law, such as consumer protection and contractual fairness, can be safeguarded when lawmaking shifts to a space outside the reach of state law. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0079 XV 2020 MAK Livre CREDIMI 301 VIII - Droit économique, droit du marché Disponible