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EU Law of Competition and Trade in the Pharmaceutical Sector / Pablo FIGUEROA
Titre : EU Law of Competition and Trade in the Pharmaceutical Sector Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Pablo FIGUEROA, Auteur ; Alejandro GUERRERO, Auteur Editeur : Edward Elgar Publishing Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 804 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-78536-260-6 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit de la santé, droit pharmaceutique, droit de la personne et du corps humain
Droit économique, droit du marchéMots-clés : secteur pharmaceutique concurrence commerce droit droit antitrust industrie pharmaceutiques médicaments droit de l'Union Européenne licences pratiques anticoncurrentielles études comparatives UK Chine Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : This book provides a systematic analysis of the law and practice of EU competition/antitrust law and trade regulation in the pharmaceutical sector. Authored by leading private practitioners, economists, scholars and high-profile competition enforcers, this work provides valuable insider knowledge on the application of competition law and policies to the pharmaceutical industry.
Key features include:
Extensive commentary on the legislation and the latest case law and administrative precedents in the pharmaceutical sector, at both EU and national level
Coverage of various key developments including the recent pay-for-delay antitrust investigations, the perennial issues around parallel trade, and an examination of mergers among pharmaceutical companies and medical devices manufacturers
In-depth analysis of topics commonly raised in the pharmaceutical sector including: pricing policies, IP life-cycle management, IP licensing and horizontal cooperation agreements
Key economic and business perspectives to accompany legal analysis, providing the reader with a rounded view of the subject matter.
This book will be a useful resource for lawyers and in-house counsel active in the pharmaceutical sector. The information and analysis provided will prepare readers to take on cases and drive the antitrust review of transactions and agreements within the industry. Researchers, economists and civil servants with an interest in competition law and trade regulation can also benefit from the practical insights provided therein.
EU Law of Competition and Trade in the Pharmaceutical Sector [texte imprimé] / Pablo FIGUEROA, Auteur ; Alejandro GUERRERO, Auteur . - Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 . - 804 pages ; Relié.
ISBN : 978-1-78536-260-6
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit de la santé, droit pharmaceutique, droit de la personne et du corps humain
Droit économique, droit du marchéMots-clés : secteur pharmaceutique concurrence commerce droit droit antitrust industrie pharmaceutiques médicaments droit de l'Union Européenne licences pratiques anticoncurrentielles études comparatives UK Chine Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : This book provides a systematic analysis of the law and practice of EU competition/antitrust law and trade regulation in the pharmaceutical sector. Authored by leading private practitioners, economists, scholars and high-profile competition enforcers, this work provides valuable insider knowledge on the application of competition law and policies to the pharmaceutical industry.
Key features include:
Extensive commentary on the legislation and the latest case law and administrative precedents in the pharmaceutical sector, at both EU and national level
Coverage of various key developments including the recent pay-for-delay antitrust investigations, the perennial issues around parallel trade, and an examination of mergers among pharmaceutical companies and medical devices manufacturers
In-depth analysis of topics commonly raised in the pharmaceutical sector including: pricing policies, IP life-cycle management, IP licensing and horizontal cooperation agreements
Key economic and business perspectives to accompany legal analysis, providing the reader with a rounded view of the subject matter.
This book will be a useful resource for lawyers and in-house counsel active in the pharmaceutical sector. The information and analysis provided will prepare readers to take on cases and drive the antitrust review of transactions and agreements within the industry. Researchers, economists and civil servants with an interest in competition law and trade regulation can also benefit from the practical insights provided therein.
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 2257 XXV 2019 FIG Livre CREDIMI 301 XXV - Droit de la santé, pharmaceutique, de la personne et du corps humain Disponible