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The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance / Benjamin von ROOIJ
Titre : The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Benjamin von ROOIJ, Auteur ; D. Daniel SOKOL, Auteur Editeur : Cambridge University Press Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 1019 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-108-47712-3 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit des entreprise en difficulté et droit des sociétés
Ethique des affairesMots-clés : compliance rules behavior corporate compliance ethics liability risk management supply chain deterrence incapacitation incentives evaluation Index. décimale : 346.065 : Droit des entreprises Résumé : Compliance has become key to our contemporary markets, societies, and modes of governance across a variety of public and private domains. While this has stimulated a rich body of empirical and practical expertise on compliance, thus far, there has been no comprehensive understanding of what compliance is or how it influences various fields and sectors. The academic knowledge of compliance has remained siloed along different disciplinary domains, regulatory and legal spheres, and mechanisms and interventions. This handbook bridges these divides to provide the first one-stop overview of what compliance is, how we can best study it, and the core mechanisms that shape it. Written by leading experts, chapters offer perspectives from across law, regulatory studies, management science, criminology, economics, sociology, and psychology. This volume is the definitive and comprehensive account of compliance. The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance [texte imprimé] / Benjamin von ROOIJ, Auteur ; D. Daniel SOKOL, Auteur . - Cambridge University Press, 2021 . - 1019 pages ; Relié.
ISBN : 978-1-108-47712-3
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit des entreprise en difficulté et droit des sociétés
Ethique des affairesMots-clés : compliance rules behavior corporate compliance ethics liability risk management supply chain deterrence incapacitation incentives evaluation Index. décimale : 346.065 : Droit des entreprises Résumé : Compliance has become key to our contemporary markets, societies, and modes of governance across a variety of public and private domains. While this has stimulated a rich body of empirical and practical expertise on compliance, thus far, there has been no comprehensive understanding of what compliance is or how it influences various fields and sectors. The academic knowledge of compliance has remained siloed along different disciplinary domains, regulatory and legal spheres, and mechanisms and interventions. This handbook bridges these divides to provide the first one-stop overview of what compliance is, how we can best study it, and the core mechanisms that shape it. Written by leading experts, chapters offer perspectives from across law, regulatory studies, management science, criminology, economics, sociology, and psychology. This volume is the definitive and comprehensive account of compliance. Réservation
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