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Soft Law in International Arbitration / Lawrence W. NEWMAN
Titre : Soft Law in International Arbitration Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Lawrence W. NEWMAN, Auteur ; Michael J. RADINE, Auteur Editeur : JurisNet LLC Année de publication : 2014 Importance : 458 pages Format : 2014 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-937518-43-1 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit du commerce, droit du commerce international
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : international arbitration arbitrage international soft law droit souple dispute différend commercial arbitration proceedings éthique disclosure of documents presentation of evidence preuves documents soft law guidance Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : In recent years, a growing body of provisions called “protocols,” “guidelines,” “checklists” or even “rules” has emerged in international arbitration. Unlike national or international law, or institutional arbitral rules, these provisions are not “mandatory” for arbitration participants. They range from provisions that can be incorporated into the parties’ agreement to arbitrate to suggestions as to the best practices that arbitrators and other arbitration participants may choose to follow. These materials are often collectively referred to as “soft law.” Soft Law in International Arbitration provides a guide to what the editors consider to be the most useful of such materials. The book organizes these materials into five categories, each introduced with commentary by a prominent member of the international arbitration community. Thus, the eighteen documents contained in this book can be regarded as helping to fill in the spaces that substantive law and arbitration rules have intentionally left blank. Soft Law in International Arbitration is an indispensable commentary for practitioners and academics alike. Soft Law in International Arbitration [texte imprimé] / Lawrence W. NEWMAN, Auteur ; Michael J. RADINE, Auteur . - JurisNet LLC, 2014 . - 458 pages ; 2014.
ISBN : 978-1-937518-43-1
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit du commerce, droit du commerce international
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : international arbitration arbitrage international soft law droit souple dispute différend commercial arbitration proceedings éthique disclosure of documents presentation of evidence preuves documents soft law guidance Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : In recent years, a growing body of provisions called “protocols,” “guidelines,” “checklists” or even “rules” has emerged in international arbitration. Unlike national or international law, or institutional arbitral rules, these provisions are not “mandatory” for arbitration participants. They range from provisions that can be incorporated into the parties’ agreement to arbitrate to suggestions as to the best practices that arbitrators and other arbitration participants may choose to follow. These materials are often collectively referred to as “soft law.” Soft Law in International Arbitration provides a guide to what the editors consider to be the most useful of such materials. The book organizes these materials into five categories, each introduced with commentary by a prominent member of the international arbitration community. Thus, the eighteen documents contained in this book can be regarded as helping to fill in the spaces that substantive law and arbitration rules have intentionally left blank. Soft Law in International Arbitration is an indispensable commentary for practitioners and academics alike. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0934 XVII 2014 NEW Livre CREDIMI 301 XVII - Règlement des différends (arbitrage commercial, ouvrages généraux, MARD) Disponible