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Rome I regulation : the law applicable to contractual obligations in Europe / Franco FERRARI
Titre : Rome I regulation : the law applicable to contractual obligations in Europe Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Franco FERRARI, Auteur ; Stefan LEIBLE, Auteur Editeur : Sellier. European Law Publishers Année de publication : 2009 Importance : 377 pages ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-86653-115-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit international Privé Mots-clés : Rome régulation Résumé : In Europe, will the new Rome I Regulation meet its goals, which include: improving the predictability of the outcome of litigation, bringing certainty as to the law applicable and the free movement of judgments, and designating the same national law irrespective of the country of the court in which an action is brought? The most important features of this instrument are outlined and discussed in this book, which is a product of the conference "The Rome I Regulation," held in Verona in March 2009, and attended by legal experts from Europe and beyond. The book contains a collection of papers submitted at the conference. Note de contenu : Obligations (droit) : Pays de l'Union européenne
Droit international privé : Obligations : Pays de l'Union européenneRome I regulation : the law applicable to contractual obligations in Europe [texte imprimé] / Franco FERRARI, Auteur ; Stefan LEIBLE, Auteur . - Sellier. European Law Publishers, 2009 . - 377 pages.
ISBN : 978-3-86653-115-4
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit international Privé Mots-clés : Rome régulation Résumé : In Europe, will the new Rome I Regulation meet its goals, which include: improving the predictability of the outcome of litigation, bringing certainty as to the law applicable and the free movement of judgments, and designating the same national law irrespective of the country of the court in which an action is brought? The most important features of this instrument are outlined and discussed in this book, which is a product of the conference "The Rome I Regulation," held in Verona in March 2009, and attended by legal experts from Europe and beyond. The book contains a collection of papers submitted at the conference. Note de contenu : Obligations (droit) : Pays de l'Union européenne
Droit international privé : Obligations : Pays de l'Union européenneExemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0012 III 2009 FER Livre CREDIMI 301 III - Droit international privé (national, européen et comparé) Exclu du prêt