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Space Technology Export Controls and International Cooperation in Outer Space / Michael MINEIRO
Titre : Space Technology Export Controls and International Cooperation in Outer Space Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Michael MINEIRO, Auteur Editeur : Springer Année de publication : 2011 Importance : 236 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-94-007-2566-9 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Espace et droit des activités spatiales Mots-clés : space technology export controls international cooperation outer space artificial satellites telecommunications space goods export control sovereignty internation law policy economic globalization Index. décimale : 341.47 : Juridiction sur l'espace extra-terrestre (lune, planètes) Résumé : Technical characteristics of space goods and technology that are relevant to export control.
Sovereignty as the legal basis of export controls : international law and space technology controls.
Policy, economic, and techno globalization.
The U.S. approach to comsat export controls and the challenge of U.S.-E.U. regulatory divergence.
U.S.-E.U. comsat export control regulatory divergence : an economic impact assessment in light strategic effectiveness.
Efforts to reform the STDA and China launch boycott : a public choice theory analysis.
Legal reform "inside-the-box" of a current national centric paradigm : a lacuna of long-term strategic vision.
Security and global civil space cooperation : space technology trade and proliferation controls as one part of the larger puzzleSpace Technology Export Controls and International Cooperation in Outer Space [texte imprimé] / Michael MINEIRO, Auteur . - Springer, 2011 . - 236 pages ; Relié.
ISBN : 978-94-007-2566-9
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Espace et droit des activités spatiales Mots-clés : space technology export controls international cooperation outer space artificial satellites telecommunications space goods export control sovereignty internation law policy economic globalization Index. décimale : 341.47 : Juridiction sur l'espace extra-terrestre (lune, planètes) Résumé : Technical characteristics of space goods and technology that are relevant to export control.
Sovereignty as the legal basis of export controls : international law and space technology controls.
Policy, economic, and techno globalization.
The U.S. approach to comsat export controls and the challenge of U.S.-E.U. regulatory divergence.
U.S.-E.U. comsat export control regulatory divergence : an economic impact assessment in light strategic effectiveness.
Efforts to reform the STDA and China launch boycott : a public choice theory analysis.
Legal reform "inside-the-box" of a current national centric paradigm : a lacuna of long-term strategic vision.
Security and global civil space cooperation : space technology trade and proliferation controls as one part of the larger puzzleRéservation
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