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> Droit international public et organisations internationales
Droit international public et organisations internationales
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Le temps de la démondialisation - Protéger les biens communs contre le libre-échange / VUILLEMEY, Guillaume
Titre : Le temps de la démondialisation - Protéger les biens communs contre le libre-échange Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : VUILLEMEY, Guillaume, Auteur Editeur : Seuil Année de publication : 2022 Collection : La République des idées Importance : 112 pages Format : Broché ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-02-148629-2 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Droit international économique
Droit international public et organisations internationales
Ouvrages générauxRésumé : Nous assistons à la fin de la mondialisation triomphante. La pandémie de Covid-19 et la guerre en Ukraine marquent le grand retour des frontières. Cette conjoncture invite à se pencher sur les dérives de la mondialisation. Celle-ci a souvent été mal comprise. Son trait dominant n’est pas l’allongement des distances, mais la déterritorialisation : multinationales et ultra-riches ont pu se soustraire aux réglementations et s’abstenir de toute contribution au bien commun. Face à cette mobilité incivique, il est urgent d’inventer une nouvelle forme de souveraineté, fondée sur un protectionnisme social et environnemental. Le temps de la démondialisation est arrivé.
Guillaume Vuillemey est professeur de finance à HEC Paris, spécialiste de l’histoire économique et de la responsabilité des entreprises.
Le temps de la démondialisation - Protéger les biens communs contre le libre-échange [texte imprimé] / VUILLEMEY, Guillaume, Auteur . - Seuil, 2022 . - 112 pages ; Broché. - (La République des idées) .
ISBN : 978-2-02-148629-2
Langues : Français (fre)
Catégories : Droit international économique
Droit international public et organisations internationales
Ouvrages générauxRésumé : Nous assistons à la fin de la mondialisation triomphante. La pandémie de Covid-19 et la guerre en Ukraine marquent le grand retour des frontières. Cette conjoncture invite à se pencher sur les dérives de la mondialisation. Celle-ci a souvent été mal comprise. Son trait dominant n’est pas l’allongement des distances, mais la déterritorialisation : multinationales et ultra-riches ont pu se soustraire aux réglementations et s’abstenir de toute contribution au bien commun. Face à cette mobilité incivique, il est urgent d’inventer une nouvelle forme de souveraineté, fondée sur un protectionnisme social et environnemental. Le temps de la démondialisation est arrivé.
Guillaume Vuillemey est professeur de finance à HEC Paris, spécialiste de l’histoire économique et de la responsabilité des entreprises.
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 3182 VI 2022 VUI Livre CREDIMI 301 Section à déterminer Disponible The African Continental Free Trade and the Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Africa / KEBE, Mouhamed
Titre : The African Continental Free Trade and the Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Africa Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : KEBE, Mouhamed, Auteur Editeur : Intersentia Publishers Année de publication : 2023 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-83970-314-0 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit international public et organisations internationales
Règlement des différendsRésumé : With the recent introduction of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the best mechanism for investor-state dispute settlement in Africa has become a key topic of discussion on the continent. This book aims to influence that discussion and presents a clear path forward for dispute settlement negotiations under the AfCFTA, which remains an open point for debate. By providing a comprehensive overview of where dispute settlement currently stands on the continent, as well as a comparative analysis of trends across the globe, this book presents readers with a complete guide to dispute settlement in Africa, allowing them to take an informed position on what dispute settlement under the AfCFTA should look like.
With its historical context and comprehensive overview of still existing, relevant regional bodies and processes, this book will continue to serve as an excellent resource for scholars and practitioners around the world, international investors, as welle as African-based legal pratictioners and government officials, long after the resolution of the issues surrounding dispute settlement under the AfCFTA Agreement have been resolved.
Table des matières :
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Governing Law
Chapter 3. Taking a Closer Look at Regional Integration in Africa
Chapter 4. The African Landscape: The Road to the African Continental Free Trade Area
Chapter 5. Existing Dispute Settlement Forums
Chapter 6. Mechanisms for Dispute Settlement
Chapter 7. A Global Shift
Chapter 8. The Future of African Investment Dispute Settlement
IndexThe African Continental Free Trade and the Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Africa [texte imprimé] / KEBE, Mouhamed, Auteur . - Intersentia Publishers, 2023.
ISBN : 978-1-83970-314-0
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit international public et organisations internationales
Règlement des différendsRésumé : With the recent introduction of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the best mechanism for investor-state dispute settlement in Africa has become a key topic of discussion on the continent. This book aims to influence that discussion and presents a clear path forward for dispute settlement negotiations under the AfCFTA, which remains an open point for debate. By providing a comprehensive overview of where dispute settlement currently stands on the continent, as well as a comparative analysis of trends across the globe, this book presents readers with a complete guide to dispute settlement in Africa, allowing them to take an informed position on what dispute settlement under the AfCFTA should look like.
With its historical context and comprehensive overview of still existing, relevant regional bodies and processes, this book will continue to serve as an excellent resource for scholars and practitioners around the world, international investors, as welle as African-based legal pratictioners and government officials, long after the resolution of the issues surrounding dispute settlement under the AfCFTA Agreement have been resolved.
Table des matières :
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Governing Law
Chapter 3. Taking a Closer Look at Regional Integration in Africa
Chapter 4. The African Landscape: The Road to the African Continental Free Trade Area
Chapter 5. Existing Dispute Settlement Forums
Chapter 6. Mechanisms for Dispute Settlement
Chapter 7. A Global Shift
Chapter 8. The Future of African Investment Dispute Settlement
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 3079 VI 2023 KEB Livre CREDIMI 301 VI - Droit international économique (mondialisation, OMC, pays émergents Disponible The Andean Legal Order / Francisco V. GARCIA AMADOR
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1740 IV 1978 GAR Livre CREDIMI 301 IV - Droit comparé et droits étrangers Disponible The Brussels Effect / Anu BRADFORD
Titre : The Brussels Effect Titre original : How the European Union Rules the World Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Anu BRADFORD, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 424 pages Format : Broché ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-008865-1 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit international public et organisations internationales Mots-clés : union européenne effet Bruxelles Index. décimale : 341.242 2 : Union européenne Résumé : For many observers, the European Union is mired in a deep crisis. Between sluggish growth; political turmoil following a decade of austerity politics; Brexit; and the rise of Asian influence, the EU is seen as a declining power on the world stage.Columbia Law professor Anu Bradford argues the opposite in her important new book The Brussels Effect: the EU remains an influential superpower that shapes the world in its image. By promulgating regulations that shape the international business environment, elevating standards worldwide, and leading to a notable Europeanization of many important aspects of global commerce, the EU has managed to shape policy in areas such as data privacy, consumer health and safety, environmental protection, antitrust, and online hate speech. And in contrast to how superpowers wield their global influence, the Brussels Effect - a phrase first coined by Bradford in 2012 - absolves the EU from playing a direct role in imposing standards, as market forces alone are often sufficient as multinational companies voluntarily extend the EU rule to govern their global operations. The Brussels Effect shows how the EU has acquired such power, why multinational companies use EU standards as global standards, and why the EU's role as the world's regulator is likely to outlive its gradual economic decline, extending the EU's influence long into the future The Brussels Effect = How the European Union Rules the World [texte imprimé] / Anu BRADFORD, Auteur . - Oxford University Press, 2021 . - 424 pages ; Broché.
ISBN : 978-0-19-008865-1
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit international public et organisations internationales Mots-clés : union européenne effet Bruxelles Index. décimale : 341.242 2 : Union européenne Résumé : For many observers, the European Union is mired in a deep crisis. Between sluggish growth; political turmoil following a decade of austerity politics; Brexit; and the rise of Asian influence, the EU is seen as a declining power on the world stage.Columbia Law professor Anu Bradford argues the opposite in her important new book The Brussels Effect: the EU remains an influential superpower that shapes the world in its image. By promulgating regulations that shape the international business environment, elevating standards worldwide, and leading to a notable Europeanization of many important aspects of global commerce, the EU has managed to shape policy in areas such as data privacy, consumer health and safety, environmental protection, antitrust, and online hate speech. And in contrast to how superpowers wield their global influence, the Brussels Effect - a phrase first coined by Bradford in 2012 - absolves the EU from playing a direct role in imposing standards, as market forces alone are often sufficient as multinational companies voluntarily extend the EU rule to govern their global operations. The Brussels Effect shows how the EU has acquired such power, why multinational companies use EU standards as global standards, and why the EU's role as the world's regulator is likely to outlive its gradual economic decline, extending the EU's influence long into the future Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 2037 VII 2021 BRA Livre CREDIMI 301 VII - Droit international public, organisations régionales et internationales Disponible The Future of the International Legal Order, I. Trends and Patterns / Cyril E. BLACK
Titre de série : The Future of the International Legal Order, I Titre : Trends and Patterns Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Cyril E. BLACK, Auteur ; Richard A. FALK, Auteur Editeur : Princeton University Press Année de publication : 1969 Importance : 618 pages Format : Relié Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit international public et organisations internationales
Sources du droit et ouvrages généraux en droitMots-clés : trends patterns international legal order evolving legal order authoritative decision constitutive process constiutional structures constitutional processes world parties world order collective security international system new states international justice regionalism regional order regional security Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue The Future of the International Legal Order, I. Trends and Patterns [texte imprimé] / Cyril E. BLACK, Auteur ; Richard A. FALK, Auteur . - Princeton University Press, 1969 . - 618 pages ; Relié.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit international public et organisations internationales
Sources du droit et ouvrages généraux en droitMots-clés : trends patterns international legal order evolving legal order authoritative decision constitutive process constiutional structures constitutional processes world parties world order collective security international system new states international justice regionalism regional order regional security Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1482 VII 1969 BLA Livre CREDIMI 301 VII - Droit international public, organisations régionales et internationales Disponible The Future of the International Legal Order, II. Wealth and Resources / Cyril E. BLACK
PermalinkThe Future of the International Legal Order, III. Conflict Management / Cyril E. BLACK
PermalinkThe Future of the International Legal Order, IV. The Structure of the International Environment / Cyril E. BLACK
PermalinkThe proliferation of privileged partnerships between the European Union and its neighbours / Sieglinde GSTÖHL
PermalinkThe Role of Ethics in International Law / Donald Earl CHILDRESS III
PermalinkThe State and the Rule of Law in a Mixed Economy / Wolfgang FRIEDMANN
PermalinkThe Status of Law in International Society / Richard A. FALK
PermalinkThe United Nations Space Treaties analysed / Bess C. M. REIJNEN
PermalinkThéorie de la fédération / Olivier BEAUD
PermalinkThreats, Risks, and Sustainability - Answers by Space / Agnieszka LUCASZCZYK