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Titre : Financial services law Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : George WALKER, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2014 Importance : 1056 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-968559-2 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit bancaire et financier Mots-clés : banques droit bancaire services financiers règlementation droit grande-bretagne common law droit européen Index. décimale : 346.410 82 : Droit bancaire - Îles britanniques Résumé : This new edition explains all of the substantial institutional and structural changes made under the Financial Services Act 2013 and parallel changes at European and global levels. This includes the abolition of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and its replacement with a separate Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and with a new Financial Policy Committee (FPC) established within the Bank of England to manage the new 'macro-prudential' policy regime in the UK. The new edition also considers regulatory developments at regional and international level including changes to the Prospectus and Market Abuse Directives and the proposed changes to Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and the introduction of the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR). In addition the third edition also includes a new chapter on regulation and financial disputes in the civil courts. The chapter considers the protection offered consumers under The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA"). This includes dispute resolution through the Financial Ombudsman Scheme or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, and, in the context of an authorised firm, a statutory right to claim for breach of rules made by the regulatory authorities and for acting beyond the scope of authorisation under the Act. This new edition provides very timely analysis of the recent changes in regulatory structure and substance providing valuable insights into the way in which the regulation and rules have and will be interpreted by the various new authorities. It is a must-have reference source for all lawyers working in financial services. Financial services law [texte imprimé] / George WALKER, Auteur . - Oxford University Press, 2014 . - 1056 pages ; Relié.
ISBN : 978-0-19-968559-2
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit bancaire et financier Mots-clés : banques droit bancaire services financiers règlementation droit grande-bretagne common law droit européen Index. décimale : 346.410 82 : Droit bancaire - Îles britanniques Résumé : This new edition explains all of the substantial institutional and structural changes made under the Financial Services Act 2013 and parallel changes at European and global levels. This includes the abolition of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and its replacement with a separate Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and with a new Financial Policy Committee (FPC) established within the Bank of England to manage the new 'macro-prudential' policy regime in the UK. The new edition also considers regulatory developments at regional and international level including changes to the Prospectus and Market Abuse Directives and the proposed changes to Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and the introduction of the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR). In addition the third edition also includes a new chapter on regulation and financial disputes in the civil courts. The chapter considers the protection offered consumers under The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA"). This includes dispute resolution through the Financial Ombudsman Scheme or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, and, in the context of an authorised firm, a statutory right to claim for breach of rules made by the regulatory authorities and for acting beyond the scope of authorisation under the Act. This new edition provides very timely analysis of the recent changes in regulatory structure and substance providing valuable insights into the way in which the regulation and rules have and will be interpreted by the various new authorities. It is a must-have reference source for all lawyers working in financial services. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1968 XI 2014 WAL Livre CREDIMI 301 XI - Droit bancaire et financier Disponible Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 1755 IV 1984 MOS Livre CREDIMI 301 IV - Droit comparé et droits étrangers Disponible
Titre : Foundational principles of contract law Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Melvin A. EISENBERG, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2018 Collection : The Oxford commentaries on American Law Importance : 904 pages Format : Relié ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-973140-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit commun des contrats Mots-clés : théorie générale des contrats common law états-unis promesses formation du contrat exécution du contrat Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : Foundational Principles of Contract Law not only sets out the principles and rules of contract law, it places more emphasis on what the principles and rules of contract law should be, based on policy, morality, and experience. A major premise of the book is that the best way to grasp contract law is to understand it from a critical perspective as an organic, dynamic subject. When contract law is approached in this way it is much easier to grasp and learn than when it is presented simply as a static collection of principles and rules. Professor Eisenberg covers almost all areas of contract law, including the enforceability of promises, remedies for breach of contract, problems of assent, form contracts, the effect of mistake and changed circumstances, interpretation, and problems of performance. Although the emphasis of the book is on the principles and rules of contract law, it also covers important theories in contract law, such as the theory of efficient breach, the theory of overreliance, the normative theory of contracts, formalism, and theories of contract interpretation. Foundational principles of contract law [texte imprimé] / Melvin A. EISENBERG, Auteur . - Oxford University Press, 2018 . - 904 pages ; Relié. - (The Oxford commentaries on American Law) .
ISBN : 978-0-19-973140-4
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit commun des contrats Mots-clés : théorie générale des contrats common law états-unis promesses formation du contrat exécution du contrat Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : Foundational Principles of Contract Law not only sets out the principles and rules of contract law, it places more emphasis on what the principles and rules of contract law should be, based on policy, morality, and experience. A major premise of the book is that the best way to grasp contract law is to understand it from a critical perspective as an organic, dynamic subject. When contract law is approached in this way it is much easier to grasp and learn than when it is presented simply as a static collection of principles and rules. Professor Eisenberg covers almost all areas of contract law, including the enforceability of promises, remedies for breach of contract, problems of assent, form contracts, the effect of mistake and changed circumstances, interpretation, and problems of performance. Although the emphasis of the book is on the principles and rules of contract law, it also covers important theories in contract law, such as the theory of efficient breach, the theory of overreliance, the normative theory of contracts, formalism, and theories of contract interpretation. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0851 XVI 2018 EIS Livre CREDIMI 301 XVI - Droit commun des contrats (national, comparé, étranger, international) Disponible
Titre : Human Rights and the WTO: The Case of Patents and Access to Medicines Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Holger HESTERMEYER, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2008 Importance : 416 pages ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-955217-7 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit de la santé, droit pharmaceutique, droit de la personne et du corps humain Mots-clés : human rights medecine patents Résumé : The international trading system has come under increasing attack by activists as being in conflict with human rights law. Others have defended the system as contributing more to the fulfillment of human rights than many other areas of international law. This study examines the alleged conflict of WTO law with international human rights law, using one of the most prominent examples of such a conflict: that between international patent law, ie the TRIPS Agreement, and access to medication as guaranteed eg by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This highly controversial political issue of the appropriate use of international patent law on life saving medicines gained the world's attention during the discussion about the price of AIDS medication, but recent instances also include the availability of the patented medication for bird flu and for anthrax. The book discusses both the patent law and the international human rights law involved in great depth, distinguishing between obligations under different human rights instruments and including a highly readable introduction into both areas of law. It then explains the concept of conflict between legal regimes and why patent law and human rights law are in conflict. The current state of international law on the conflict between legal regimes and the origin of such conflicts is analyzed, covering such issues as hierarchy in international law and introducing the concept of 'factual hierarchy' The book then turns to the role of human rights law in the WTO system, concluding that such law currently is limited to aiding the interpreting of the WTO agreements. It shows how a further integration of human rights law could be achieved and describes the progress made towards accommodating human rights concerns within the TRIPS Agreement, culminating in the first ever decision to amend a core WTO Agreement in December 2005. Human Rights and the WTO: The Case of Patents and Access to Medicines [texte imprimé] / Holger HESTERMEYER, Auteur . - Oxford University Press, 2008 . - 416 pages.
ISBN : 978-0-19-955217-7
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit de la santé, droit pharmaceutique, droit de la personne et du corps humain Mots-clés : human rights medecine patents Résumé : The international trading system has come under increasing attack by activists as being in conflict with human rights law. Others have defended the system as contributing more to the fulfillment of human rights than many other areas of international law. This study examines the alleged conflict of WTO law with international human rights law, using one of the most prominent examples of such a conflict: that between international patent law, ie the TRIPS Agreement, and access to medication as guaranteed eg by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This highly controversial political issue of the appropriate use of international patent law on life saving medicines gained the world's attention during the discussion about the price of AIDS medication, but recent instances also include the availability of the patented medication for bird flu and for anthrax. The book discusses both the patent law and the international human rights law involved in great depth, distinguishing between obligations under different human rights instruments and including a highly readable introduction into both areas of law. It then explains the concept of conflict between legal regimes and why patent law and human rights law are in conflict. The current state of international law on the conflict between legal regimes and the origin of such conflicts is analyzed, covering such issues as hierarchy in international law and introducing the concept of 'factual hierarchy' The book then turns to the role of human rights law in the WTO system, concluding that such law currently is limited to aiding the interpreting of the WTO agreements. It shows how a further integration of human rights law could be achieved and describes the progress made towards accommodating human rights concerns within the TRIPS Agreement, culminating in the first ever decision to amend a core WTO Agreement in December 2005. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0052 XXV 2008 HES Livre CREDIMI 301 XXV - Droit de la santé, pharmaceutique, de la personne et du corps humain Disponible
Titre : ICSID Titre original : An Introduction to the Convention and Centre Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Antonio R. PARRA, Auteur Editeur : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 2020 Importance : 176 pages Format : Broché ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-882153-3 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Droit des investissements, arbitrage d'investissement
Droit international public et organisations internationales
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : ICSID CIRDI centre international pour le règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements juridiction jurisdiction arbitration proceedings déroulement des procédures arbitrales arbitrage d'investissement investissements internationaux awards sentences Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : Based on the author's Hague Lectures on ICSID, this book on ICSID and the ICSID Convention provides a detailed introduction to the worlds leading institution devoted to international investment dispute settlement. Fully up-to-date as of mid-2019, the book presents a full and accessible picture of an increasingly important dispute settlement mechanism. The author delves into the origins and evolutions of the Convention and Centre and its jurisdiction, then navigates the reader through the process of arbitration proceedings under the Convention, applicable law, and the enforcement of Convention awards. The author also discusses efforts to reform international investment dispute settlement in general and ICSID arbitration in particular. ICSID: An Introduction to the Convention and Centre is an authoritative, essential guide for students, practitioners, policymakers, investors, NGO activists, and journalists with an interest in investor-state dispute settlement. ICSID = An Introduction to the Convention and Centre [texte imprimé] / Antonio R. PARRA, Auteur . - Oxford University Press, 2020 . - 176 pages ; Broché.
ISBN : 978-0-19-882153-3
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Droit des investissements, arbitrage d'investissement
Droit international public et organisations internationales
Règlement des différendsMots-clés : ICSID CIRDI centre international pour le règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements juridiction jurisdiction arbitration proceedings déroulement des procédures arbitrales arbitrage d'investissement investissements internationaux awards sentences Index. décimale : 000 - pas d'indexation décimale connue Résumé : Based on the author's Hague Lectures on ICSID, this book on ICSID and the ICSID Convention provides a detailed introduction to the worlds leading institution devoted to international investment dispute settlement. Fully up-to-date as of mid-2019, the book presents a full and accessible picture of an increasingly important dispute settlement mechanism. The author delves into the origins and evolutions of the Convention and Centre and its jurisdiction, then navigates the reader through the process of arbitration proceedings under the Convention, applicable law, and the enforcement of Convention awards. The author also discusses efforts to reform international investment dispute settlement in general and ICSID arbitration in particular. ICSID: An Introduction to the Convention and Centre is an authoritative, essential guide for students, practitioners, policymakers, investors, NGO activists, and journalists with an interest in investor-state dispute settlement. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 0991 XIII 2020 PAR Livre CREDIMI 301 XIII - Droit des investissements, arbitrage d'investissement, contrats d'Etat Disponible PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkRapport sur le développement dans le monde / Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement